About Compounding

COMPOUNDED MEDICATIONS are prescribed by physicians, veterinarians, and other legally-authorized prescribers and prepared to order for a specific patient by specially-trained, licensed compounding pharmacists. For individuals with unique health needs not being successfully treated by off-the-shelf drugs, custom-compounded medications are a smarter, more effective solution.  Compounding opens the door to customized treatment designed with the patient in mind and eliminates many of the side effects and complications associated with traditional prescription drugs.

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THE COMPOUNDING OF MEDICATIONS is a centuries-old tradition and a foundational element of pharmacy practice.  Although an estimated 30 million prescriptions are compounded every year, many patients are still unaware of this unique treatment option and its many applications and benefits.  Compounding is also in growing demand for veterinary use.

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PHARMACY SCHOOLS in each state are required by law to teach students the practice of compounding pharmaceuticals.  Consequently, pharmacists are the only healthcare professionals with extensive knowledge of chemical compatibilities and the skill to prepare alternative dosage formulations.  Compounding is currently practiced to a small degree in some pharmacies while a select few specialize exclusively in medication compounding, like IPS.  These compounding pharmacies are licensed and regulated in the 50 states and the District of Columbia by their respective state Board of Pharmacy.

BECAUSE EVERY PATIENT—and every patient’s needs—are unique, custom compounding is a vitally important element of quality medical care.