Do You Know These Essential Wound Care Tips?

Do you know these essential wound care tips? Everyone gets injured from time to time. It happens. However, if the injury results in an open wound, knowing how to care for the wound is essential. As always, before approaching any wound be sure to wash your hands, just like you would if treating a wart. If you can wear protective disposable gloves, even better. Following are nine tips to ensure your wound heals as quickly and efficiently as possible.
9 Essential Wound Care Tips for Effective Treatment
Don’t Worry About the Blood
That’s right, little bit of blood is okay. In fact, it’s what helps clean your wound. Minor bleeding is considered to be a good thing. Besides, most small injuries, like scrapes or cuts, tend to clot fairly quickly. You can speed up the process by applying gentle, firm pressure at the wound location using tissue or gauze.
Clean Wounds Quickly
If possible, the first thing you want to do is clean your wound with cool, running water. Also, be sure to wash the surrounding area with soap and a washcloth. This helps prevent infection which could lead to a systemic reaction and more complications.
Use an Antibiotic Cream or Ointment
These help reduce risk of infection, so long as a thin layer is applied. Often times people wonder what the difference is between an antibiotic cream versus an ointment. Ointments tend to be a little thicker, or stickier, where creams are designed to ultimately absorb into your skin. Both are effective at treating wounds if used according to the directions. Should you have a prescription for a a cream or ointment, IPS Compounding can fill it for you. Simply reach out and an IPS compounding specialist will assist you. The convenience of having your medicine delivered to you, versus going to the pharmacy, is one our patients really enjoy.
Bandage Appropriately
It’s important to realize your wound need to be properly bandaged in order to promote healing (just like you would with warts). For instance, if your wound is in an area where clothing or shoes will rub against it, use a bandage to keep it covered. Besides, uncovered wounds are at risk of developing infection should they reopened.
Latex or Adhesive Allergies
It’s important to keep in mind that you may be allergic to a wound covering and be unaware. The easiest way to tell is simple. If you feel burning underneath the bandage after application, or itchiness, you might have an allergy to the adhesive. In this case, simply switch to paper tape or sterile gauze. Also, try a wound dressing free of adhesive.
Healing is Immediate
Remember, as soon as your body sustains injury, the healing process begins. White blood cells instantly spring into motion to attack bacteria with the potential to cause infection. Red blood cells (and their platelets) along with fibrin, create a perspective scab over the wound until healing is complete.
Burns are Different
Remember, there is a difference between an open wound obtained from a scrape or puncture, versus a burn. The best treatment for minor burns is to take a cool water or a cold cloth compress and apply to the area right away. This keeps your skin from trying to retain the heat, therefore fostering the pain associated with the burn. After the burn has cooled, be sure to wash the affected area with soap and water and dress lightly. And whatever you do, don’t pop any blisters.
Pay Attention to Infection
You need to be on guard for infection after incurring a wound. Typical signs include redness, swelling, or color discharge/green or yellow, oozing from the wound. Furthermore, if your wound feels tender or warm then you could potentially have an infection. Also, be mindful of swollen lymph nodes, aches, fever or chills. If any of the symptoms developed be sure to consult your physician right away.
When to See a Doctor
It’s important to seek a physician if any of the following occur.
- -Your wound continues to bleed after 10 minutes of sustained pressure
- -Length or depth of your wound exceeds 1/2 inch
- -You have a wound near your eyes
- -Your wound is ragged or gaped
- -You obtained your wound from anything dirty or rusty
- -An animal or human bite caused the world
- -The wound is painful or shows sign of infection
- -Your tetanus shot is not up-to-date
Questions or Concerns? IPS Compounding can Help
Beyond this, it’s important to keep in mind there are certain first-aid tools you should constantly have on hand. For instance, things like tweezers, hand sanitizer, gloves, pain relievers, hydrocortisone cream, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic cream, gauze or tape and antihistamines in case of allergic reaction are staples for any first-aid kit.
However, if you need to see a doctor for your wound and they provide a compound prescription as part of your treatment plan, again, we can fill that for you. Simply contact us today and let one of our IPS compounding pharmacy specialists assist you. Our staff are friendly and knowledgeable. Yet, most importantly, IPS Compounding pharmacists put you first. It’s why we are regarded as one of the leading compounding pharmacies in the industry.We would love for you to become another one of our satisfied customers. So reach out today and let’s have a conversation.We think your health is worth it.