Compounding Pharmacies and Nursing Mothers

It’s no secret, most lactation experts encourage breast feeding for mothers, particularly if they are physically able. The reason? Simply put, a mother’s milk is like super food for an infant. Breast milk contains proteins, antioxidants and a host of other beneficial health ingredients that are super easy for babies to process.
Yet, even with all of the encouragement and online information it can be hard for nursing mothers to find the support they need. Reliable information can be hard to come by when they find themselves with a sensitive/unique medical issue, struggle or challenge. Couple this with the fact that certain parts of the United States still regard breast feeding as taboo and you can have a challenging time finding help if you are a nursing mother.
However, don’t lose hope. Compounding pharmacies are great resources. If you feel like your concerns as a lactating mother haven’t been properly addressed or have other questions, a phone call with one of our compounding pharmacists will provide a safe, confidential environment for you to discuss concerns. Here are a few ways compounding pharmacies, like IPS compounding, can offer help.
Customized Nursing Preparation
Any lactation expert will advise nursing mothers to prepare well in advance for breast feeding. It’s physically demanding and as such, affects the breast in an entirely different way since it is now more engaged every day then it was before. The biggest issue tends to be sore nipples. The reason for this is it can take new babies quite some time to learn how to properly latch on to the breast, others pinch when nursing and some create quite a bit of a suction while feeding. If your breasts aren’t tough before hand, you could experience discomfort until your infant masters the act of nursing.
As a consequence, new nursing mothers may give up because of sore breasts. A compounding pharmacist can mix several ingredients to create an ointment that can be applied to your nipples before you begin nursing. These particular compounded ointments will protect your breast while making them resilient to the demands of breast feeding while your body adjusts.
However, be sure to ask for a compound medication that uses conditioning ingredients only. Also, make sure you ask your compounding pharmacy to create a nipple ointment with germ fighting and antifungal properties. Typically, a good compounding pharmacy will have their own recipe for effective lactation creams and ointments. Simply massage them into sensitive areas of your breasts as preparation for nursing. The ointment will condition your breasts to keep them from becoming sore, irritated or infected. Many are all purpose type treatments that help sore, infected or cracked skin on the breast both before birth and during nursing.
Lactation Support
Compounding pharmacists can advise you on which medications are safe to take as a nursing mother. This is particularly helpful if you feel certain medications prescribed are too risky to take while nursing. Talk to one of our IPS compounding pharmacists and they will work with your pediatrician, physician or OB/GYN to create a safe compounded alternative.
In addition, compounding pharmacists understand delicate hormonal triggers required to make lactation productive and successful. Levels of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and oxytocin need to be adjusted with different medications to increase and aid breast lactation.
Also, another effective way to aid lactation is simply blocking dopamine. For some women, dopamine will inhibit the production of prolactin so you might be prescribed a dopamine blocker like sulpiride, metoclopramide or domperidone to ensure your breasts produce enough milk for your baby.
However, some of these medications are considered controversial because of their potential side effects. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for mothers to seek the advice of a compounding pharmacy when these medicines are prescribed. To help, they will work with your physician to come up with a compounded alternative that is safe, effective and aids the process of lactation.
When is time to stop breast feeding it can be particularly uncomfortable. This is very true if your baby quits nursing suddenly. You could be faced with engorged breasts or inflamed nipples, both painful conditions. Engorgement even has potential to block your milk ducts causing infection. This is where a compounding pharmacy can formulate a cream to sooth pain and address any infection issues during the weaning process. Talk to your doctor i you are experiencing any discomfort while weaning your child.
These are just a few ways compounding pharmacies help lactating mothers. If you are pregnant, nursing or soon to start nursing, feel free to contact IPS Compounding today. We will be happy to speak with you discreetly and address any questions or concerns you have. Our number one goal is your health and comfort, and we are happy to provide any assistance we can.
feature image credit- John Hopkins Medicine