Thousands of children in the United States are diagnosed with autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As such, these children can have very specific sensory processing issues/preferences which makes daily life more difficult than it is for the average person. For instance, certain textures might bother them, colors or tones, maybe they have a preference for certain tastes, or avoid things altogether if they are perceived as extremely uncomfortable. more

As our bodies age, it may become necessary to be on more than one medication. It’s a complicated matter though. People over 55 may develop sensitivity to certain additives or preservatives used to produce their prescription medicine. In addition, they may have trouble swallowing pills or have a hard time keeping track of the sheer number they are required to take. Compounded medication can provide a benefit. more

It usually begins with a problem of some sort. For instance, a child can’t take a medicine because it’s too bitter. Maybe a patient has trouble swallowing a pill, or a particular strength that the doctor prescribes is not available commercially. This is where compounding enters the equation. more

Compounded medicine has several benefits for patients. Obviously, pain reduction is at the top of the list, Yet, there are several others. Today we will look at compounded medicine in regards to tissue healing, decreasing bioburden and vascular perfusion increase. If after reading this you have questions about your ointment or cream, please contact IPS Compounding. We can help. more

Medicine compounding can be an important part of wound care. IPS Compounding pharmacists understand that. Our pharmacists are different. They pay attention to your needs. Prescriptions are specifically formulated to help wounds heal both efficiently and effectively. Understanding the process of wound healing yields compounding insight. Each stage has a specific purpose, and there is an order to the process. more

It’s that time of year. Winter is on the way and for some of us that means itchy skin. You may feel like a horse on a hitching post some days, scratching your back against the wall to get relief. Winter eczema can really be something to contend with. more

Do you know these essential wound care tips? Everyone gets injured from time to time. It happens. However, if the injury results in an open wound, knowing how to care for the wound is essential. As always, before approaching any wound be sure to wash your hands, just like you would if treating a wart. If you can wear protective disposable gloves, even better. more