Christmas is next week and with it comes cold-weather and cracked skin. However, in an effort to stave off dryness and keep eczema at bay, we have a few solutions for you. Following are the top five skin moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated and healthy all winter long. more

Do you know these essential wound care tips? Everyone gets injured from time to time. It happens. However, if the injury results in an open wound, knowing how to care for the wound is essential. As always, before approaching any wound be sure to wash your hands, just like you would if treating a wart. If you can wear protective disposable gloves, even better. more

Warts are a nuisance. It seems like they pop up for no reason and love to hang around. Their history is quite lengthy too. Warts have been found on 3,000 year old mummy and even attracted the attention of Shakespeare. And while they generally are not considered dangerous, most people consider them embarrassing, ugly and contagious. In some instances they can even be painful. more